Monday, June 11, 2012

One small step for you. One big step for your health. - Operation ...

Today is your day, your day to start. It?s your day to start off on the right foot towards a healthier you. And that step that your take may be small, but that is OK. It?s the small steps that lead to bigger steps, and ultimately a new way of living, looking and most importantly, feeling.

Oftentimes people don?t believe they can change their lifestyle or lose weight or feel less fatigued. They may feel stuck or trapped. They may be apprehensive because ?change? is not always easy to accept. The thought of ?dieting? makes people cringe ? that is why I don?t call it dieting. I call it a lifestyle change, because that is exactly what it is?a step-by-step process to an overall lifestyle change.

Yes, I encourage you to think big, and reach for your goals, but please understand that your health and nutrition transformation will not happen overnight.? And that is A OK! Once you understand and accept that truth, you can cross the first step off of your list.? You should then know that you don?t have to give up coffee, sugar, red meat and potato chips at the exact same time (although, wouldn?t that be INCREDIBLE!!!!). You will get there soon enough, but don?t immediately put so much pressure on yourself? because it will cause you to ?cheat? (feel you can eat a handful of Oreo cookies for your afternoon snack because you?ve been good for the past two days), make the process more difficult or even stress you out, and result in an ineffective outcome.

Though I don?t know each of you that read this blog post, I can offer up some baby step suggestions that will start you off on the ?healthier track? ? and what?s better than knowing that any single one of you can take one or more of these steps right now, TODAY:

  • Water in the AM: Drink a glass of lukewarm water right after you wake up. Oh heck, throw a lemon in there, too. This will help hydrate after a full night?s sleep and also before you drink the morning cup of coffee, which will dehydrate you?if you drink coffee, that is.
  • Veggies are your friend: Learn to love veggies, especially leafy greens and other raw veggies. Try one new veggie today and see how you like it! My suggestions are kale, collards or swiss chard. I?ve probably mentioned kale in every single one of my blog posts because it truly is the nutritional powerhouse of leafy greens?and I love love love it. Here is the kale salad recipe I posted on Facebook this week, I actually made that full meal on Thursday night and it was mouth watering. (Please note for salad dressing, I added fresh ground black pepper and some olive oil to make it less thick.)
  • Break the fast: That?s right, eat breakfast! PLEASE! Do you feel ?too busy? to make breakfast or work doesn?t offer any healthy options in the cafeteria? Don?t sweat it. You can make breakfast on Sunday, keep it in the fridge and enjoy it every day this week. This can?t-go-wrong breakfast is an egg muffin (or two or three) ? check out this recipe, courtesy of the Eat Clean Diet website: I ex-nay the teak sauce and if I add salsa I either make the salsa or buy fresh salsa from Whole Foods or Trader Joe?s. I?ll also add avocado, a very healthy fat!
  • Buh-bye cans and bags: Make it a goal to not eat anything that comes out of a can or a bag for a few days. This will help you avoid all processed and artificial foods. You can do this, I promise you. Do you think the cavemen ate these foods?! Nope! If you?re looking for helpful hints on food or drink variations, please let me know!
  • Home-made? or all natural on the go: Do you travel a lot for work? Are you always on the move with the kids? Does your office have lousy vending machines? Here?s the trick ? instead of feeling hungry or giving in to the awful artificial food and drink temptations, you can be turning to your purse or table for either a healthy home-made snack, piece of fruit or veggies, or some raw nuts that are loaded with Omega 3s. Make sure one of these healthy go-to foods are readily available. I always have a small container of mixed walnuts, almonds, pistachios and goji berries on hand. And when I leave for my trip to Nantucket this weekend, I?ll have my fruit, raw veggies, home-made granola bars and plenty of water with me for the ride.
  • Proper posture: How often do you think of your posture? Are you aware when you have bad posture? Sitting, standing and walking with proper postural alignment will help you move more efficiently with less fatigue and strain on your ligaments and muscles.? Try your best to be aware of the times you are slouching and then straighten up! You?ll be happy you did and it opens up your passageway for better breathing!
  • Smile: Be happy with yourself and where you are on your wellness journey. Remember, it is a journey, and you will get there.? When you smile, you project to the world that you are happy and happiness will continue to follow you. Remember that each day you can get closer to your goal, but it?s truly up to you to continue to make those steps.

If you are looking for more step-by-step support, I am here. Please don?t hesitate to reach out! Have a happy & healthy weekend!

Mike?s WOD

500ft (Versa)


Sledge Swings

Atomic Push-ups


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