Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Understanding Healthy Low Carb Diets

Many people who want to start a low-carb diet often seek a carbohydrate list to help them select a low carb diet plan. Carbohydrates are mainly provided through the plant foods. The most common carbohydrates are foods such as rice, pasta, and bread. They are needed as a primary source of energy. Carbohydrates can be split up into three different groups; simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and starch and dietary fibres. Therefore to make a carbohydrate list of all foods would be very lengthy. However, a carbohydrate list can be simplified by defining carbohydrates as good carbs and bad carbs.

Carbohydrates are split into simple carbs and complex carbs. The simple carbs being the bad carbs and the complex carbs being the good carbs. They are defined in this way due to the way they are made up and the way the body processes them. Some weight loss diets recommend very low carb intakes because of the way the body processes and uses carbs. However, since energy is the main function of carbohydrates, no diet should be completely carb free. A deficiency of carbohydrates could lead to health issues such as fatigue, mental impairment and muscle cramps. If a very low carb diet is required, then complex carbs should be selected over simple carbs.

Foods which have longer chains of sugar molecules as well as higher levels of fibre, should be preferred in the diet. These will be foods that are complex carbohydrates. Examples of complex carbohydrates to include are whole grains, edible plant parts such as stalks and leaves. These complex carbohydrates take longer for the body to digest. This will provide the body with energy for a longer period of time and will not convert to fat associated with simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates contain high levels of sugar and low fibre content. When simple carbohydrates are eaten they are processed very quickly, often before it can be burned off as energy. This has the result of fat being stored in the body. Included in a list of simple carbohydrate foods would be foods such as, cookies, cakes, candy and white bread, Eating too many can raise blood sugar levels and insulin levels and cause weight gain.

We have been told for a long time to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. However, some fruit and carbohydrates in vegetables fall into the category of simple carbohydrates as they are high in sugar. The only difference is that they do contain some fibre which is processed by the body more slowly, which makes them react more like complex carbohydrates.

Other foods which are perhaps not so obvious in the high carbohydrate content include foods which have been refined and highly processed. These high carb foods include white bread and pasta. White rice and potatoes also contain high levels of simple carbohydrates.

On the list of high carbohydrate foods includes some beans such as chickpeas, white beans, black-eyed peas and some root vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and corn. Some dairy products such as low fat milk, plain yogurt and skimmed milk are also high in carbohydrates.

So when it comes to making a carbohydrate list what can you use to help you? One source of information is to read the labels on the packets of foods you buy to determine the carb content of the food you are buying. By law all packaging of foods should state the carb content, usually per 100g. There are also many online sites that will work out the carb count for you.

Getting a complete list of carbohydrates is very helpful when planning a low-carb diet.One carbohydrate list is the glycemic index. This carbohydrate list explains how quickly foods are digested in the body. The lower the glycemic index, the lower the carbohydrate content will be and the better it will be if you are wishing to lose weight.

Carbohydrates for a long time have been very misunderstood. Therefore, having a carbohydrate list if starting on a low-carb diet will certainly help you plan the foods you can eat as well as sourcing low carb recipes.The constant eating of bad carbs will increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other degenerative diseases. Although no diet should be carb free, a low carb diet could have many health benefits.

If you want to know more about the health benefits of this type of diet click on LOW CARB PROTEIN DIET below.

Henry W Holland is a highly successful freelance writer and the author of LOW CARB PROTEIN DIET


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